March 11, 2024

Canadian Economy

In some graphs:

/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-08-39 The Daily Shot Fewer small businesses plan to hire workers or boost wages.png
Full time employment up because of immigration is up and some growth in the jobs market

While full time employment is slightly up, the actual employment rate is down and the unemployment rate continues to waffle in the up direction:

/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-08-33 The Daily Shot Fewer small businesses plan to hire workers or boost wages.png
The unemployment rate continues its trek up because immigration is up.

And, as we said on Friday, capacity utilization in manufacturing is down, so:

/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-08-17 The Daily Shot Fewer small businesses plan to hire workers or boost wages.png
Together, that means that wages are not growing, because of a loosening labour market.

Business insolvency is also up.

/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-22-21 The Daily Shot Fewer small businesses plan to hire workers or boost wages.png
Companies are not bringing-in enough revenue to pay their increasingly expensive debts.

It all tracks with an economy not doing super great for a variety of reasons, most of them caused by poor government policy around interest rates, immigration, lack of tax-funded supports, and procurement levels too low to drive investment.

Public sector employment is what is keeping things going right now, which is not a great thing given that most Canadian public sector employment is not in the productive sectors.

/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-18-28 Economic News - Canada Private sector hiring remained sluggish in February - economic-news-jobs.pdf.png
More public sector workers is fine, but it has to be paid for with value added production.
/brief/img/Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 08-18-46 Economic News - Canada Private sector hiring remained sluggish in February - economic-news-jobs.pdf.png
Employment rate is falling and doing so over a longer period of time.

The right blames immigration. It isn't incorrect, but it isn't correct either. Immigration tied to poor economic performance is driving this. Poor economic performance because the government and capital are not at all investing in employment.
